Polished Shoes for Fashionable Gentlemen

Polished Shoes for Fashionable Gentlemen

For any of you who have the slightest sense of fashion, seeing an untidy pair of shoes can be a real deal breaker. If you are a detail-oriented person, you will know that a shiny shoe can have a big impact on your overall outfit. You may have an enviable collection of men’s shoes; but if those are not polished properly, your whole look may fall apart. Follow the simple steps below and voila! Your shoes will look forever new.

Collect your supplies

Here are some items you will need:

  • Shoe polish tins in matching colors
  • Applicator brush
  • Shining brush
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Old towels
  • Cotton balls


When you are getting ready to polish your shoes, you better be prepared for the stains. Shoe polishing can stain your clothes and even the surroundings. You can use old newspapers or rags to cover the floor area. Also, wear old clothes that you do not mind getting stained.

Clean and polish:

Before getting into polishing your men’s shoes that you bought from a store in Oklahoma City, it is necessary to clean the shoes. Use a damp cloth to remove the dirt from the surface of your shoes. Dry the shoes completely and proceed to the next step, which is polishing.

Using the applicator brush, spread the shoe polish all over the surface of the shoes. Make sure to cover even the crevices of the shoes in a light film of shoe polish.

Let the polish sit for around 15 to 20 minutes and then use your shoe polish brush to buff out the polish. The more time you spend on brushing your shoes, the shinier they will become. The idea here is to get rid of the extra shoe polish from your men’s shoes. Shoe brush is a great tool to add shine while removing the extra product from your shoes.

Shine your shoes:

Spend some extra time on the heels and the toes to make them super shiny. After you are done with brushing, dampen the cotton ball, and wring it really well so that it is barely damp. Now, using a circular motion, buff the heels and the toes until you get the shine you are looking for.

The first step to getting a pair of shiny men’s shoes is to invest in good quality shoes. Allton’s Clothier is well-known for the premium quality men’s footwear that you can get in OKC. From formal to casual, any type of shoes you want, you will get it here.